Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Why Do I Have To Know Geometry?

At my local pool, a teenage girl sat on a lounge chair, highlighter and pencil in her hand along with a bunch of math problems. Eventually, overcome with frustration, she blurted out for all around to hear, "Why Do I Have To Know Geometry?" One adult surmised, "Well if you're not going to be an astronaut, I guess you don't really need to know geometry" Wrong!!!!!!! While the the subject of geometry is not important per se, the problem solving skills used in geometry are life altering. Geometry, crossword puzzles and sudoku all are activities which involve problem solving skills. Many successful people on Wall Street who are the top traders in their field are also champion chess, bridge, backgammon and poker players. Many social scientists use "game theory" to solve complex issues. Just realize that when studying for the SAT you are not wasting your time. Acquiring problem solving skills is a good thing! It will help you in college and aid in your profession and in your ability to make money.

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