Friday, June 13, 2008

Strive to be the Best!

According to the College board, the average SAT scores for college bound seniors during 2007 were: Critical reading: 502; Mathematics: 515 and Writing: 494 for a combined score of 1511. Why be mediocre? The world is full of average people trapped in the middle. Strive to be the best, separate yourself from the pack. If you think the college process is highly competitive, just wait until you become an adult and then the fun begins! Competition only gets more intense in the job market when you graduate from school. Prepare for the SAT by taking baby steps. Set aside a small amount of time each day (30 minutes) but allow enough time (3 months) to get the job done. Do not miss a day! No excuses! Suddenly the study time becomes a way of life, a habit just like brushing your teeth. A half hour per day for 3 months amounts to 45 hours of studying. Have you ever studied for anything for 45 hours? My guess would be no. Ask yourself, how much better than average would my scores be if I put in 45 hours of study time? 30 minutes per day is a small price to pay for success. I bet everyone reading this post wastes 30 minutes per day text messaging, watching reality TV, sending IM's to your friends, etc. etc.

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