Saturday, June 28, 2008

Track Your Study Progress

Fitness trainers map out the workout routines of their clients by using written progress charts. Writing things down and observing incremental progress is good for the psyche. The same can be said for an SAT study plan. I give my students a 10 week progress chart. Each week they cross off with a big red marker vocabulary words, reading passages, math problems, essay topics and writing multiple choice questions that were assigned to them. At the end of 10 weeks many stare in awe and ask, "Did I really just learn 100 new words, write 10 essays, complete two books of math problems and read fifty essays in Time Magazine? I didn't feel like I did all that!" Yes because it was done in small baby steps. You certainly can accumulate a lot of knowledge working one hour per day. If anyone wants me to send them a sample SAT Progress Report template, please email me at

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