Sunday, June 15, 2008

Tiger Woods and Focus

Tiger Woods hobbling on one leg forced a playoff in todays US Open Golf Championship by sinking a long putt on the 18th hole at Torrey Pines Golf Course in San Diego, CA. By just watching Tiger's eyes lining up the putt, I knew that that ball was going in. His uncanny ability to concentrate and block out any distractions makes him the greatest golfer in the world. Why am I writing about this? Because all successful people in life have this type of focus. Imagine how much clearer those boring reading passages would be, how much easier those convoluted math word problems would be if you, the student could focus like Tiger Woods. The ability to concentrate and focus for an extended period of time is a skill that will greatly enhance your performance on the SAT and ACT. Concentration and focus starts with your ability to set aside a quiet place each day and attempt practice questions without any distractions from the outside world. Sure you will be depriving your social life for an hour a day, but think of the places that this new found skill will take you later in life. In the summer time if you get up early and focus, all your friends will be sleeping anyway so you really will not be missing out on anything.

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