Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!

The fourth of July marks a time to relax, kick back and have a good barbecue with family and friends. The 4th of July is also exactly three months from the October 4th SAT. Most well thought out SAT study plans are about 12 weeks long. Most of my students hire me for 12 sessions, usually a week apart. The longer you plan in advance, the less stress you have for last minute cramming. Why force a situation where a tutor must meet with you 2-3 times per week? Those who wait until September must prepare with the added stress of senior classes and college planning. The summer is a quiet time to focus on preparing for the October exam. So have a wonderful July 4th. However, starting July 5th, make a pact with yourself to wake up an hour early and study at least 30 to 45 minutes. Slow and steady wins the race.

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