Saturday, June 12, 2010

Is It Possible to Enjoy Studying for the SAT?

There is no doubt that something fun attracts more of one's focus, time and energy. I want to hear from students who have studied for the SAT or the ACT. I want to know about any pleasant experience in the preparation of either or both of these standardized tests. Please share your "secrets" with me so that I may pass these tips on to future generations of students. Feel free to be as creative as you wish with your stories and your language. Respond either as a comment to this blog post; or by direct message to my twitter account which is @tutorsteve or via email

I think this is a great way to improve the process for your fellow students. I thank all in advance for any response.

1 comment:

G. Pritsker said...

Steve, hi. We follow each other on Twitter. I found the topic of this post very apropos, as we've created a way to study for the verbal section of the SAT while enjoying yourself. Check it out here: It would be swell to have your opinion and support.
Thanks, Gennady