Saturday, June 26, 2010

Grammar Tip-What is a Comma Splice Error?

The SAT Writing Section tests many of the classic rules of grammar. One main theme is punctuation. When do we use a comma, a semi-colon, or a period? Grammar Girl is an excellent multi media website which addresses this issue and many more. Click on the following link and get the rule on comma splice. There is a written transcript and an audio presentation:

An Inspiration to All of Us

A student of mine just improved her SAT score 200 points and scored a 10 on her essay. Impressive, but this is not the whole story. Six years ago she was not even living in the United States and did not speak English. Moral of the story--you can achieve any goal which you deem important enough to put in the appropriate time and effort.
Her mother called to thank me. I told her mother, "Don't thank me, its your daughter that put in the work and took the test." Moral of the story--Everyone should own their effort. A tutor is only a conduit of knowledge and test taking advice. How the student uses this knowledge will ultimately determine success or failure.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Critical Thinking: What Is It Anyway?

From Elizabeth Online--one of the best introductory pieces on thinking critically. The next time you read one of the articles I post from the NY Times remember to ask the important questions that this blog poses: Critical Thinking: What Is It Anyway?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

2010-2011 SAT Dates

SAT 2010 Fall Dates:

October 9, 2010
November 6, 2010
December 4, 2010

Winter/Spring 2011 Dates:

January 22, 2011
March 12, 2011
May 7, 2011
June 4, 2011

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Is It Possible to Enjoy Studying for the SAT?

There is no doubt that something fun attracts more of one's focus, time and energy. I want to hear from students who have studied for the SAT or the ACT. I want to know about any pleasant experience in the preparation of either or both of these standardized tests. Please share your "secrets" with me so that I may pass these tips on to future generations of students. Feel free to be as creative as you wish with your stories and your language. Respond either as a comment to this blog post; or by direct message to my twitter account which is @tutorsteve or via email

I think this is a great way to improve the process for your fellow students. I thank all in advance for any response.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Your SAT Score Sucks Because.....Part 3

Because you hate to read. The only time you read is when a book is assigned to you in school. You never pick up a newspaper, magazine, short story. You never visit the library to take out a book for pleasure. During the summer you never bring reading material with you to the beach. During your downtime, you spend endless hours texting and video chatting.

Because you chose this "way of life" you lack worldly knowledge and word power. You lack the ability to "read between the lines"--ie. the ability to analyze what is implied; the ability to anticipate an argument; the ability to "feel" the author's inner voice. All these skills are useful in high school, college and in life.

The only way to acquire these important skills is to read--not because you are forced to do so, but because you are intrigued by all of the potential books can open your mind to. Start now! It's never too late.