Sunday, November 2, 2008

Planning for 2009-Which SAT to Take

High School juniors have many chances to take the SAT in 2009. The SAT will be given in January, March, May and June of 2009. There is no single best choice for all students. Each individual should plan to sit for at least one SAT in the second half of the junior year. Some may prefer the March exam due to obligations such as AP exams, Regents exams or SAT II subject tests which are given in May or June. Others committed to a spring sport (such as baseball) may want to prepare for the January SAT before the season starts. Students with heavy work loads may choose to take the January or May test because they may want to prepare without distraction during the extended Christmas break or Easter break. Start thinking about this now. Plan early and register early to insure a reserved spot at a test center most convenient to where you live. Another record turnout in 2009 will mean that many students who are late to register will have to travel long distances just to take the SAT. Don't let this happen!

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