Monday, October 13, 2008

The PSAT Matters

October is PSAT month. Many students go into the PSAT with the following philosophy-- it doesn't count so why should I try? It is foolish not to try on the PSAT for several reasons. First, the PSAT honors those who do well with National Merit Scholarships. Second, colleges give extra money to National Merit Scholars because it increases a schools prestige to have National Merit Scholars in its student body. But with National Merit Scholars we are talking about the top 2% of High School Juniors nationwide. For most others, the PSAT is an opportunity to take a practice test under proper test conditions. Sometime in December, the PSAT results come out with a detailed analysis which is useful for the preparation for the real deal, the SAT. Use this result sheet to locate those areas which need the most improvement. Give this sheet to your tutor and map out a proper study plan designed to turn those weaknesses into strengths.

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