Monday, August 25, 2008

Are You a Poor Test Taker?

More from Stanley Kaplan regarding poor standardized test takers:

"I could wallpaper the walls of my classrooms with letters from students who thought they were poor test takers. Students were baffled over why they received high grades in school and then bombed on an admissions test. Almost all "terrible test takers" have two common features: a high anxiety level and a lack of knowledge about the subject matter and mechanics of the test........I treated anxiety by instilling confidence, which comes from familiarity with the test. The greatest fears spring from the unknown. If students know what to expect, the tests are no longer growling monsters. No surprises, no anxieties."

Bottom line--do as many practice tests as possible. The more questions you see, the more confident you will be on test day. If you have seen every possible question, then they can't fool you.

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