Wednesday, December 12, 2007

How to Use Your PSAT Results

The PSAT results are in. Now what to do? First find out if your score is high enough to qualify for a national merit scholarship. Consult with your guidance counselor and find out the cutoff score. Second, go over all the wrong answers to see if there is a pattern. For example do you consistently get the same type of question wrong? If so, sit down with your tutor and map out a study plan to improve upon all your weak areas. Finally, use your PSAT scores to set realistic goals for the SAT. Set the bar high enough above your PSAT score but do not be unrealistic. Write down your specific goals on a piece of paper and look at that paper from time to time. You will be amazed at how close you can come to your goals with a little hard work.

1 comment:

Steve said...

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