Thursday, May 27, 2010

Your SAT Score Sucks Because.....Part 2

You lack the proper fundamentals. You never properly learned the rules of grammar. You don't know the order of simple mathematical operations. Your vocabulary is that of a fifth grader. You never learned how to read critically. Maybe this is not your fault. Maybe your school district leaves a lot to be desired. Fair enough. However, you are foolish if you believe that you can rectify poor fundamentals in a matter of weeks. It will never happen!

It takes a full year of studying the fundamentals so that you can consistently master questions on the SAT. Message to those in this boat--start preparing for the SAT in tenth grade! Its never too early.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Your SAT Score Sucks Because.....

You did not take the test seriously. You thought your 95 average and general smarts would get you by. But you were wrong because the SAT is unlike any test you have ever taken. Would you just wonder onto a football field and start playing without equipment? Would you just start ice skating without proper instruction? Of course not. Even if you are a natural athlete there are specific skills to each sport.
The SAT is no different. Just as an athlete learns the rules, skills and nuances of the game, a student must do the same with the SAT. You thought you could just go into this test cold and answer the questions? Think again. You think that the PSAT was a good dress rehearsal for the big test? Think again.

Monday, May 24, 2010

3 Reasons your SAT Score Sucks

If you are disappointed with your SAT Score it is because of one or all of the following reasons:

1. You did not take the test seriously
2. You were not taught the proper fundamentals in High School
3. You hate to read

In my next few posts, I will examine each of these reasons in depth

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The May 2010 SAT

Preliminary comments from my students appear to be the exact opposite of the March SAT. In March most said the Math was easy but the Critical Reading was hard. Now they are saying almost unanimously that the Critical Reading was way easier than March (especially the sentence completions) yet there were a lot of "weird" Math problems that they did not understand.

More to come in the following days.......

Sunday, May 2, 2010

2010 Summer Study Guide

My 2010 Summer Study Guide is out. The Guide is revised from its original form in 2007 to reflect current test prep strategy. Ordinarily, this guide is sold for $9.95, but I will send this 37 page e-Book to anyone who emails me by May 15, 2010. This is my gift to you. My email address is