Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Are You An All Star?

As I watch the MLB All Star Game this evening I am thinking-We can all be All Stars in some facet of our lives. Whatever path your life takes, strive to be the very best. This is especially true in today's economy. Very highly qualified people are losing their jobs daily. One way to prevent this from happening to you--work so hard that you become an indispensable employee. Become the "Go To" person, the one others look to for leadership and advice.

Students should start early. Find a passion and put in the effort necessary to be an All Star. Do what is necessary to prepare for your standardized tests, obtain the best grades, put forth the best college application. Be the best you can be.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Change Your Habits and Change Your Life

I know many of my students are sleepy heads during the summer. Believe me, I have two kids of my own, and given the choice they would sleep until the afternoon every day.

Behavioral scientists contend that it takes 21 days to break any bad habit. How about making a pact with yourself to wake up an hour early every day this summer? That hour will be yours and yours only! Run, workout, watch TV, listen to music, blog, eat breakfast, whatever. After three straight weeks, waking up early will be a whole new way of life.

Think of what you can do with this extra time when school starts--maybe the extra hour will help alleviate the stress of classes, applications, test prep, etc.

Friday, July 3, 2009

When to Start Preparing for the October SAT

The October SAT is scheduled for October 10, 2009. For many seniors this test will be the final attempt to shine for college applications. Ten weeks before any SAT is a reasonable amount of time to prep. My review of the calendar comes up with the first week of August as the ideal starting point. Contact your tutor or group study course and make sure they are available to help you achieve your goals for the October SAT.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Read This Summer!

Do not let your mind turn to mush this summer! If reading is your weak point on the SAT or ACT, make a pact to read at least one intelligent thing per day this summer! I will be posting one article each day which I think is worthy of your attention. The link to these articles will be posted on www.twitter.com/tutorsteve